Kennett Parish Council - 21st July 2014
Issues arising from the Meeting of Kennett Parish Council held on 21st July 2014.
Parish Council Positions
The Parish Council has now appointed a new Parish Clerk. Stephen Ball of 124 Station Road has gallantly stepped forward to take the position. A new Parish Councillor, Tim Foddy, will also be co-opted.
***** There is still one vacant Parish Councillor Position. Anyone interested in taking up this position should contact the Parish Clerk, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Highways Flashing Speed Signs
Despite the fact that the Parish Council reports the faults on the Highways Flashing Speed Signs on a regular basis, there are constantly new faults emerging. It is now proposed that, if the 30 mph limit along Station Road between the School and the Dane Hill Road junction is accepted as a Local Highways project, one of the speed signs will be moved to the start of the speed restriction. This proposal is still on the reserve list from last year but will be resubmitted in the new proposals in September 2014.
Village Website
The village website has been completely revamped and will go live on 1 August 2014. The URL will remain the same; . The advantage of this new website is that responsible individuals can be given access to update specific pages without relying on one single webmaster.
Railway Bridge Closure
The Parish Council has been informed that the railway bridge at Kennett Station will be closed to traffic between 2200 hours on 22 November – 0600 hours on 23 November 2014. The Council is seeking clarification on the exact purpose of this inspection.
E-Cops Notifications
The local police have issued a number of statements on the E-Cops news bulletin recently and have had a number of successful arrests in the local area. Except for an attempted "smash and grab" break-in on Station Road which was foiled when the occupant emerged from the house, there have been no incidents in Kennett Village. **** Please ensure that your property, including sheds and outhouses are secure before leaving for any length of time. The incident is Station Road was an opportunist activity assuming that the property was empty.
If you want to join the E-Cops Bulletin to be alerted to police activity in the local area, register at:
Kentford and Kennett Village Hall Planning Meeting
An independent study has been conducted by the property team who advise Forest Heath District Council (the District facilitating the new Village Hall) on the feasibility of building an extension to the Sports Pavilion at Kennett or renovating/rebuilding a hall on the existing site in Kentford. Kennett Parish Council will listen to the results of the study and decide whether to support the final solution at its next meeting on 11 August.
Next Parish Council Meeting
Due to the unavailability of Councillors for the third Monday of the month, the next Parish Council Meeting will take place at the school at 1930 hours on 11 August 2014 if members of the public wish to attend.